P. 111

Unit 6: Cost of Capital

            Solution:                                                                             Notes

            (i)  Pre-tax cost

                            K  =      = 12 per cent
                             di   100
            (ii)  Post-tax cost
                                  12 1 - 0.5 
                            K  =          = 6 per cent
                             d      100
            Generally, cost of debenture is equal to the interest rate, when debenture is issued at par and
            without considering tax. Cost will be less than the interest when we calculate cost after considering
            tax since it is tax deductible. From the cost of capital point of view, debenture cost is always in
            post tax cost.
            Sometimes debentures may be issued at premium or discount. A company, which is having a
            good track record, will be issued at premium and a company that is new or unknown to the
            public or has a nominal or poor track record will be issued at discount. Whenever debentures
            are issued at premium or discount the cost of debenture will be affected, it will decrease or
            increase respectively.
            Illustration 19:

            Rama & Co. has 15 per cent irredeemable debentures of   100 each for   10,00,000. The tax rate is
            35 per cent. Determine debenture assuming it is issued at (i) face value/par value (ii) 10 per cent
            premium and (iii) 10 per cent discount.


                  Issued at                Pre-tax                     Post-tax
                                 15                           15 1 – 0.35)
             (i)  Face value       = 15 per cent                       = 9.8 per cent
                                100                              100
                                15                            15 1 – 0.35)
             (ii) 10% premium      = 13.7 per cent (100 +10)           = 8.9 per cent
                               110                               110
                                15                            15 1 – 0.35)
             (iii) 10% discount    = 16.67 per cent (100 –10)          = 10.9 per cent
                                90                               90

            Cost of Redeemable Debentures/Debt
            Redeemable debentures that, are having a maturity period or are repayable after a certain given
            period of time. In other words, these type of debentures that are under legal obligation to repay
            the principal amount to its holders either at certain agreed intervals during the duration of loan
            or as a lump sum amount at the end of its maturity period. These type of debentures are issued
            by many companies, when they require capital for fulfilling their temporary needs.

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