P. 115

Unit 6: Cost of Capital

                 Caution  There is no relation between book values and present economic values of the
                 various sources of capital

            2.   Capital Structure Weights: Under this method, weights are assigned to the components of
                 capital structure based on the targeted capital structure. Depending up on the target,
                 capital structures have some difficulties. They are:
                 (a)  A company may not have a well defined target capital structure.
                 (b)  It may be difficult to precisely estimate the components of capital costs, if the target
                     capital is different from present capital structure.
            3.   Market Value Weights: Under this method, assigned weights to a particular component of
                 capital structure is equal to the market value of the component of capital divided by the
                 market value of all components of capital and capital employed by the firm.
                 Advantages of Market Value Weights
                 (a)  Market values of securities are approximately close to the actual amount to be
                     received from their sale.
                 (b)  Costs of the specific resources of funds that constitute the capital structure of the
                     firm, are calculated by keeping in mind the prevailing market prices.
                 Disadvantages of Market Value Weights
                 (a)  Market values may not be available when a firm is not listed or when the securities
                     of the firm are very thinly traded.
                 (b)  Market value may be distorted when securities prices are influenced by manipulation

                 (c)  Equity capital gets greater importance.

              Did u know?  Most of the financial analysts prefer to use market value weights because it is
              theoretically consistent and sound.
            Illustration 22:
            A firm has the following capital structure as the latest statement shows:

                    Source of Funds                               After Tax Cost (%)

             Debt                            30,00,000                  4
             Preference shares               10,00,000                 8.5
             Equity share                    20,00,000                 11.5
             Retained earnings               40,00,000                 10

                        Total                100,00,000
            Based on the book values compute the cost of capital.

                  Source of Finance    Weights      Specific Cost (%)    Weighted Cost
             Debt                        0.30            0.04                      0.012
             Preference shares           0.10            0.08                     Contd...
             Equity share                0.20            0.11                      0.022
             Retained earnings           0.40            0.10                      0.040
                                             LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY                                  109
                                         1.00                                                 0.082
   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120