P. 120

Financial Management

                      Notes            to 42 per cent in 2000. In addition, recent supply-chain issues and the adverse effect of a
                                       strong dollar had negatively affected revenue.
                                       At the meeting, the management revealed plans to address both-line growth and operating
                                       performance. To boost revenue, the company would develop more athletic-shoe products
                                       in the mid-priced segment – a segment that had been overlooked in the recent years. Nike
                                       also planned to push its apparel line, which, under the recent leadership of industry
                                       veteran Mindy Grossman had performed extremely well. On the cost side, Nike would
                                       exert more effort on expense control, finally, the company’s executives reiterated their
                                       long-term revenue growth targets of 8-10 per cent and earnings-growth targets of above
                                       1 percent.
                                       The Analysts reactions were mixed. Some thought, the financial targets too aggressive ;
                                       other  saw  significant  growth  opportunities  in  apparel  and  in  Nike’s  international
                                       Ford read all the analysts reports that she could find about the June 28 meeting, but the
                                       reports gave her no clear guidance: a Lehman Brothers report recommended a “Strong
                                       Buy”, while UBS analysts expressed misgiving about the company and recommended a
                                       “Hold”. Ford decided instead to develop her own discounted-cash-flow forecast to come
                                       to a clearer conclusion.
                                       Her forecast showed that, at discount rate of 12 per cent, Nike was overvalued at its current
                                       share price of $42.09 (see Exhibit 2). She had, however, done a quick sensitivity analysis
                                       that revealed Nike was valued at discount rates below 11.2 per cent. As she was about to go
                                       into a meeting, she asked her new assistant, Joanna Cohen, to estimate Nike’ s cost of

                                       Cohen immediately gathered all the data she though she might need (Exhibits 1,2,3 and 4)
                                       began to work on her analysis. At the end of the day, she submitted her cost-of-capital
                                       estimate and a memo (Exhibit 5) explaining her assumption to Ford.
                                                 Exhibit 1: Consolidated Income Statements Year ended May 31
                                          (in millions excepts per   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006
                                               share data)
                                         Revenues               4,760.8  6,470.6   9,816.5  9,553.1  8,776.9  8,995.1  9,488.8
                                         Cost of goods sold     2,865.3  3,906.7   5,503.0  6,065.5  5,493.5  5,403.8  7,784.9
                                         Gross profit           1,895.6  2,563.9   3,683.5  3,487.6  3,283.4  3,591.3  3,703.9
                                         Selling and administrative    1,209.8  1,588.6   2,303.7  2,623.8  2,426.6  2,606.4  2,689.7
                                         Operating Income        685.8   975.3   1,379.8   863.8   856.8   984.9  1,014.2
                                         Interst expense          24.2   39.5   52.3   60.0   44.1   45.0   58.7
                                         Other expense net        11.7   36.7   32.3   20.9   21.5   23.2   34.1
                                         Restructuring charge,net   ---   ---    ---   129.9   45.1   2.5   ---
                                         Income before Income taxes   649.9   899.1  1,295.20   653.0   746.1   919.2   921.4
                                         Income taxes            250.2   345.9   499.4   253.4   294.7   340.1   331.7
                                         Net Income              399.7   553.2   795.8   399.6   451.4   579.4   589.7
                                         Diluted earning per Annum
                                         Shares                   1.4    1.9    2.7    1.4   1.6    2.1    2.2
                                         Average shares outstanding
                                         (diluted)               294.0   293.6   297.0   296.0   287.5   279.8   273.3
                                         Revenue                        35.9    42.0   4.0   8.1    2.5    5.5
                                         Operating income               42.2    41.5   37.4   0.8   15.0   3.0
                                         Net income                     38.4    43.9   49.8   13.0   28.3   1.8
            114                              LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
                                         Margins (%)
                                         Gross margin                   39.6    40.1   36.5   37.4   39.9   39.0
                                         Operating margin               15.1    15.0   9.0   9.8   10.9   10.7
                                         Net margin                      8.5    8.7    4.2   3.1    6.4    6.2
                                         Effective tax rate (%)         38.5    38.6   38.8   39.5   37.0   36.0
   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125