P. 125

Unit 6: Cost of Capital

            6.7 Keywords                                                                          Notes

            Cost of Capital: It is that minimum rate of return, which a firm must earn on its investments so
            as to maintain the market value of its shares.
            Explicit Cost: It is the discount rate that equates the present value of the cash inflows with the
            present value of its increments cash outflows.

            Future Cost: It is the cost of capital that is expected to raise the funds to finance a capital budget
            or investment proposal.
            Implicit Cost: It is the cost of opportunity which is given up in order to pursue a particular
            Marginal Cost of Capital: The additional cost incurred to obtain additional funds required by a
            Opportunity Cost: The benefit  that the shareholder  foregoes by not  putting his/her funds
            elsewhere because they have been retained by the management.

            Specific Cost: It is the cost associated with particular component or source of capital.
            Spot Cost: The cost that are prevailing in the market at a certain time.

            6.8 Review Questions
            1.   Examine the relevance of cost of capital in capital budgeting decisions.

            2.   Elucidate the importance of CAPM approach for calculation of cost of equity.
            3.   “Marginal cost of capital nothing but the average cost of capital”. Explain.
            4.   Analyse the concept of flotation costs in the determination of cost of capital.
            5.   AMC Engineering Company issues 12 per cent,   100 face value of preference stock, which
                 is repayable with 10 per cent premium at the end of 5 years. It involves a flotation cost of
                 5 per cent per share. What is the cost of preference share capital, with 5 per cent dividend
            6.   “Evaluating the capital budgeting proposals without cost  of capital  is  not  possible.”
            7.   VS International is thinking of rising funds by the issuance of equity capital. The current
                 market price of the firm’s share is   150. The firm is expected to pay a dividend of   3.9 next
                 year. At present, the firm can sell its share for   140 each and it involves a flotation cost of
                   10. Calculate cost of new issue.

            8.   WACC may be determined using the book values & the market value weights. Compare
                 the pros & cons of using market value weights rather than book value weights in calculating
                 the WACC.
            9.   Critically evaluate the different approaches to the calculation of cost of equity capital.
            10.  A company issues 12,000, 12 per cent perpetual preference shares of   100 each. Company
                 is  expected to pay 2  per cent as flotation cost. Calculate  the cost of preference shares
                 assuming to be issued at (a) face value of par value, (b) at a discount of 5% and (c) at a
                 premium of 10%.
            11.  An investor supplied you the following information and requested you to calculate. Expected
                 rate of returns on market portfolio – Risk free returns = 10 per cent

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