P. 129

Unit 7: Capital Structure Decision


               Notes  The capital structure depends primarily on number of factors like:

                  The nature of industry,
                  Gestation period,
                  Certainty  with  which  the  profit  will accrue  after  the  undertaking  goes  into
                   commercial production, and
                  The likely quantum of return on investment.
            However, finance manager should take into consideration following factors while planning the
            capital structure:
            1.   Risk: Risk is of two kinds, i.e. financial risk and business risk. In the context of capital
                 structure planning, financial risk is relevant. Financial risk also is of two types:

                 (a)  Risk of cash insolvency: As a firm raises more debt, its risk of cash insolvency increases.
                     This is due to two reasons. Firstly, higher proportion of debt in the capital structure
                     increases the commitments of the company with regard to fixed charges. This means
                     that a company stands committed to pay a higher amount of interest irrespective of
                     the fact whether it has cash or not. Secondly, the possibility that the supplier of funds
                     may withdraw the funds at any given point of time. Thus, the long-term creditors
                     may have to be paid back in installments, even if sufficient cash to do so does not
                     exist. This risk is not there in the case of equity shares.
                 (b)  Risk of variation in the expected earnings available to equity shareholders: In case a firm has
                     higher debt content in capital structure, the risk of variations in expected earnings
                     available to equity shareholders will be higher. This is because of trading on equity,
                     Financial leverage works both ways, i.e.; it enhances the shareholders return by a
                     high magnitude, or brings it down sharply depending upon whether the return on
                     investment is higher or lower than the rate of interest.
            2.   Cost of  capital: Cost is an important consideration in  capital structure  decisions, it  is
                 obvious that a business should be at least capable of earning enough revenue to meet its
                 cost of capital and finance its growth.
            3.   Control: Along with cost and risk factors, the control aspect is also important consideration
                 in planning  the  capital  structure. When  a company  issues  further  equity  shares,  it
                 automatically dilutes the controlling interest of the present owners. Similarly, preference
                 shareholders can have voting rights and thereby affect the composition of the Board of
                 Directors in case dividends on such shares are not paid for two consecutive years. Financial
                 institutions normally stipulate that they shall have one or more directors on the Board.
                 Hence,  when the  management  agrees  to raise  loans from  financial institutions,  by
                 implication it agrees to forego a part of its control over the company. It is obvious therefore,
                 that decisions concerning capital structure are taken after keeping the control factor mind.

            4.   Trading  on  Equity: A  company may raise  funds  either by  the  issue of  shares  or by
                 borrowings. Borrowings carry a fixed rate of interest and this interest is payable irrespective
                 of fact whether there is profit or not. Of course, preference shareholders are also entitled
                 to a fixed rate of dividend but payment of dividend is subject to the profitability of the
                 company. In case the Rate Of Return (ROI) on the total capital employed i.e. shareholders
                 funds plus log term borrowings, is more than the rate of interest on borrowed funds or
                 rate of dividend on preference shares, it is said that the company is trading on equity. One
                 of the prime objectives of a finance manager is to maximize both the return on ordinary

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