P. 128

Financial Management

                      Notes         7.1 Meaning of Capital Structure

                                    The basic objective of financial management is to maximize the shareholders wealth. Therefore,
                                    all financial decisions in any firm should be taken in the light of this objective.
                                    Whenever a company is required to raise long-term funds the finance manager is required to
                                    select such a mix of sources of finance that overall cost of capital is minimum (i.e., value of the
                                    firm/wealth of shareholders is maximum). Mix of long-term sources of finance is referred as
                                    “capital structure”.

                                    Optimum Capital Structure

                                    The capital structure is said to be optimum when the firm has selected such a combination of
                                    equity and debt so that the wealth of firm (shareholder) is maximum. At this capital structure,
                                    the cost of capital is minimum and market price per share is maximum.
                                    It is very difficult to find out optimum debt and equity mix where capital structure would be
                                    optimum because it is difficult to measure a fall  in the market value of an equity shares on
                                    account of Increase in risk due to high debt content in capital structure. Hence, in practice, the
                                    expression “appropriate  capital structure” is more realistic expression than ‘optimum capital

                                    Features of an Appropriate Capital Structure

                                    1.   Profitability: The most profitable capital structure is one that tends to minimize cost of
                                         financing and maximize earning per equity share.

                                    2.   Flexibility: The capital structure should be such that company can raise funds whenever
                                    3.   Conservation: The debt content in the capital structure should not exceed the limit, which
                                         the company can bear.
                                    4.   Solvency: The capital structure should be such that firm does not run the risk of becoming
                                    5.   Control: The capital structure should be so devised that it involves minimum risk of loss
                                         of control of the company.

                                    Self Assessment

                                    Fill in the blanks:
                                    1.   Capital structure is referred as mix of ……………..sources of finance.
                                    2.   At …………….capital structure, the cost of capital is minimum and market price per share
                                         is maximum.
                                    3.   The most profitable capital structure is one that tends to minimize ………………….and
                                         maximize earning per equity share.
                                    7.2 Major Considerations in Capital Structure Planning

                                    ln  planning  the  capital  structure,  one  should  keep  in  mind  that  there  is  no  one  definite
                                    model that can be suggested/used as an ideal for all business undertakings. This is because
                                    of varying circumstances of business undertakings. It is, therefore important to understand
                                    that different types  of  capital structure  would  be required  for  different  types  of business

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