P. 127

Unit 7: Capital Structure Decision
             Mahesh Kumar Sarva, Lovely Professional University

                            Unit 7: Capital Structure Decision                                    Notes


              7.1  Meaning of Capital Structure
              7.2  Major Considerations in Capital Structure Planning
              7.3  Value of the Firm and Capital Structure
              7.4  Capital Structure Theories

                   7.4.1  Net Income (NI) Approach
                   7.4.2  Net Operating Income (NOI) Approach
                   7.4.3  Modigliani–Miller’s Approach (Extension of NOI Approach)
              7.5  Effects of a Financing Decision on Earnings Per Share

              7.6  Summary
              7.7  Keywords
              7.8  Review Questions
              7.9  Further Readings


            After studying this unit, you will be able to:
               Define the capital structure
               Recognize the conception of optimum capital structure
               Explain the different considerations in capital structure planning
               Describe the theories of capital structure.

            Organizations have need of funds to run and maintain its business. The requisite funds may be
            raised from short-term sources or long-term sources or a combination both the sources of funds,
            so as to equip itself with an appropriate combination of fixed assets and current assets. Current
            assets to a considerable extent, are financed with the help of short-term sources. Normally, firms
            are expected to follow a prudent financial policy, as revealed in the maintenance of net current
            assets. This net positive current asset must be financed by long-term sources. Hence, long-term
            sources of  funds  are  required to  finance for  both  (a)  long-term  assets  (fixed assets)  and
            (b) networking  capital (positive current assets). The long-term financial strength  as well as
            profitability of a  firm is influenced by its financial structure. The  term ‘Financial  Structure’
            refers to the left hand side of the balance sheet as represented by “total liabilities” consisting of
            current  liabilities, long-term debt, preference  share and  equity share capital. The financial
            structure, therefore, includes both short-term and long-term sources of funds.

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