P. 140

Financial Management

                      Notes         Comments

                                    Though, EBIT is same,  value of both the firm and WACC are different. MM argue that this
                                    position can not persist for a long; and soon there will be equilibrium in the values of the two
                                    firms through arbitrage process, which is explained, in the following paragraphs.
                                    Mr. A is holding 10% equity shares in X Ltd. The value of his loading is   3,50,000 i.e., 10% of
                                    35,00,000. Further, he is entitled for   70,000 income (i.e., 10% of total profits of   7,00,000). In
                                    order to earn more income, he disposes off his holding in X Ltd. for   3,50,000 and buys 10%
                                    holding in Y Ltd. For this purpose, he adopts following steps.

                                    Step 1: In order to buy 10% holding in Y Ltd, he requires total funds of   5,00,000, whereas his
                                    proceeds are only   3,50,000. Therefore, he borrows   3,00,000 loan @ 10% i.e. (10% of Debt of X
                                    Ltd). Thus, he substitutes personal loan for corporate loan.
                                    Step 2:
                                         Mr. A now has total funds of                   6,50,000
                                         Sale proceeds                                  3,50,000

                                         10% personal loan                              3,00,000
                                         Total                                          6,50,000

                                         Less: Invest in shares of Y Ltd shares       – 5,00,000
                                         Surplus funds (which he invests                1,50,000
                                         in some other securities say at 10%)
                                    Step 3:
                                         Mr. A will earn more through arbitrage process.
                                         Profits available to A from Y Ltd. (10% of   10,00,000)        1,00,000

                                         Less: interest on borrowing (10% 300,00,000)                   – 30,000
                                         + Interest income on some other investment (150000 × 10%)      + 15,000

                                         Total income after Arbitrage Process                             85,000

                                    MM model argues that this opportunity to earn extra income through arbitrage process will
                                    attract so many investors. The gradual increase in sales of shares of the levered firm X Ltd. will
                                    push down its prices and the tendency to purchase the shares to unlevered firm Y Ltd. will
                                    drive  its prices  up. These  selling and  purchasing processes will continue  until the  market
                                    value of the two firms is equal. At this stage, the value of the leverage and unleveled firm and
                                    also their cost of capital are same. Thus overall cost of capital is independent of the financial

                                    Theoretically speaking, the MM model seems to be good. However, most of its assumptions are
                                    unrealistic and untenable. Following are criticisms against MM Model:
                                    1.   The arbitrage process, which provides the behavioural justification for the model is itself
                                         questionable in real life because of following reasons:

                                         (a)  Investors do not have complete information about levered and unlevered firms.

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