P. 145

Unit 7: Capital Structure Decision

                ln planning the capital structure, one should keep in mind that there is no one definite  Notes
                 model that can be suggested/used as an ideal for all business undertakings.
                To obtain a balanced capital structure it is necessary to consider the ability of the company
                 to market corporate securities.
                Small companies rely  heavily on owners’ funds  while large  companies are  generally
                 considered to be less risky by the investors and therefore, they can issue different types of
                The Net Income (NI) approach is the relationship between leverage and cost of capital and
                 value of the firm.
                According to the NOI approach, the market value of the firm depends upon the net operating
                 profit or EBIT and the overall cost of capital, WACC.

                According to Modigilani-Miller approach, the value of a firm is independent of its capital

                Earnings per share would be the highest in case of financing, which has the least cost to the
                EPS volatility shows whether a company enjoys a stable income or not.

            7.7 Keywords

            Arbitrage: It refers to an act of buying a security in one market having lower price and selling it
            in another market at higher price.

            Capital Structure: It is that part of financial structure, which represents long-term sources.
            MM Theory: According to this theory the value of the firm is independent of its capital structure.
            Net Income Approach: According to this approach, the cost of debt and the cost of equity do not
            change with a change in the leverage ratio.
            NOI Approach: According to this approach, the market value of the firm is not affected by the
            capital structure changes.

            Optimum Capital Structure: It is that capital structure where market value per share is maximum
            and the cost of capital is minimum.

            7.8 Review Questions

            1.   Explain briefly the major considerations in capital structure planning.

            2.   Explain briefly, the Modigliani-Miller approach on cost of capital.
            3.   Explain the conditional theory of capital structure.
            4.   What important factors in addition to quantitative factor should a firm consider when it is
                 making a capital structure decisions?
            5.   The total value of a firm remains unchanged, regardless of the variations in the financing
                 mix. Discuss the statement and point out the role of arbitrating and who made leverage?

            6.   How will the firm go for optimizing capital structure?
            7.   List down the approach which advocates that the cost of Equity Capital and Debt Capital
                 remains unaltered when the degree of leverage varies?

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