P. 170

Financial Management

                      Notes         period (i.e. in  the beginning) followed by cash inflows. The independent proposals refer to
                                    investment, the acceptance of which does not preclude  the acceptance of others, so that all
                                    profitable proposals can be accepted and there are no constraints. The decision rule is that a
                                    proposal will be accepted if
                                    1.   NPV exceeds zero,

                                    2.   IRR exceeds the required rate of return.
                                    Similarly, when NPV = Zero or the IRR = required rate of return, the project may be accepted or


                                    In case of mutually exclusive capital project i.e., the acceptance of an investment precludes the
                                    acceptance of others (i.e. if there are alternative courses of action, only one can be accepted).
                                    Mutual exclusiveness of the investment projects may be technical or financial. Technical means
                                    projects  with different profitabilities and  selection of  the more  profitable. Financial means
                                    resource constraints, which is also called capital rationing.

                                    The different ranking by NPV and IRR methods can be due to the following:
                                    1.   Size disparity
                                    2.   Time disparity
                                    3.   Unequal expected lives.
                                    As stated earlier, the IRR criterion implicitly assumes that the cash flow generated by the project
                                    will be reinvested at the internal rate of return, as opposed to company’s cost of capital in case
                                    of NPV. The assumption of the NPV method is considered to be superior since the rate can be
                                    consistently applied to all investment proposals.

                                    9.4.1  Net Present Value vs. Profitability Index
                                    The investment proposal will be acceptable if:

                                    1.   PI is greater than one.
                                    2.   Positive Net Present Value.
                                    Likewise, PI will be less than I when the investment proposal has a negative net present value
                                    under the NPV method.

                                       Caution  While evaluating mutually exclusive investment proposals, these methods will
                                       give different rankings. The best project is the one, which adds the most, among available
                                       alternatives, to the shareholders  wealth. The  NPV method  by its  very definition, will
                                       always select such projects.

                                    9.4.2  Interrelation between Payback, Net Present Value, IRR and
                                           Profitability Index

                                                                         Cost of the Project
                                    We have seen    Payback period =
                                                                     Annual cost saving/Inflows

                                    We have also seen that investment proposal will be acceptable if PI is greater than one and Net
                                    Present Value is positive.

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