P. 40

Financial Management

                      Notes         It is evident from the above section that funds can be raised from the same source for meeting
                                    different types of financial requirements.

                                       Notes Financial sources of a business can also be classified as follows by using different
                                       1.  According to period:
                                           (a)   Long-term sources
                                           (b)   Medium-term sources

                                           (c)   Short-term sources
                                       2.  According to ownership:
                                           (a)   Owner’s capital or equity capital, retained earnings, etc.
                                           (b)   Borrowed capital such as debentures, public deposits, loans, etc.

                                       3.  According to source of generation:
                                           (a)   Internal sources e.g., retained earnings and depreciation funds, etc.
                                           (b)   External sources e.g., debentures, loans, etc.
                                       However for the sake of convenience, the different sources of funds can also be classified
                                       into following categories:
                                       1.  Security financing – financing through shares and debentures
                                       2.  Internal financing – financing through retained earning, depreciation

                                       3.  Loans financing – this includes both short-term and long-term loans
                                       4.  International financing
                                       5.  Other sources

                                    Self Assessment
                                    Fill in the blanks:

                                    1.   Long-term financial needs generally refer to funds for a period exceeding …………..years.
                                    2.   Investment  in  …………….financial  assets  is known  as  meeting  of  working  capital
                                         requirements of the concern.

                                    3.2 Long-term Sources of Finance
                                    There are different sources of funds available to meet long-term financial needs of the business.
                                    These sources may be broadly classified into share capital (both equity and preference) and debt
                                    (including  debentures, long-term  borrowings or other debt instruments). In recent times in
                                    India, many companies have raised long-term finance by offering various instruments to public
                                    like  deep  discount bonds, fully  convertible debentures,  etc. These  new instruments  have
                                    characteristics of both equity and debt and it is difficult to categorize these either as debt or
                                    equity. The different sources of long-term finance can now be discussed.

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