P. 35

Unit 2: Time Value of Money

            2.7 Keywords                                                                          Notes

            Annuity: It is a stream of equal annual cash flows.
            Cash Flow: It is the movement of cash into or out of a business, a project, or a financial product.
            It is usually measured during a specified, finite period of time
            Compound Interest: When interest is added to the principal, so that from that moment on, the
            interest that has been added also itself earns interest.

            Compound Value: The interest earned on the initial principal becomes a part of the principal at
            the end of a compounding period.
            Interest: It is a fee paid on borrowed assets. It is the price paid for the use of borrowed money.

            Present Value:  In  case of present value concept, we  estimate the  present worth  of a future
            payment/instalment or series of payment adjusted for the time value of money.
            Time Value of Money: Time value of money is that the value of money changes over a period of

            2.8 Review Questions

            1.   “Cash flows of two years in absolute terms are uncomparable” Give reasons in support of
                 your answer.

            2.   Define the following terms and phrases:
                 (a)  Compound sum of an annuity
                 (b)  Present value of a future sum
                 (c)  Present value of an annuity
                 (d)  Annuity

                 (e)  Discount rate
            3.   What happens to the effective rate of interest as the frequency of compounding is increased?
            4.   As a financial consultant, will you advise your client to have term deposit in a commercial
                 bank, which pays 8% interest compounded  semi-annually or 8% interest compounded
                 annually? Why?
            5.   What effects do (i) increasing rate of interest and (2) increasing time periods have on the
                 (a) present value of a future sum and (b) future value of the present sum? Why?

            6.   Can annuity tables be used for all types of cash flows?
            7.   For a  given interest rate and a given  number of  years, is the factor for the  sum of an
                 annuity larger or smaller than the interest factor for the present value of the annuity?
            8.   Explain the mechanics of calculating the present value of a mixed stream that includes an
            9.   A limited company borrows from a commercial bank   10,00,000 at 12% rate of interest to
                 be  paid in  equal end-of-year  installments. What would the  size of the instalment  be?
                 Assume the repayment period is 5 years.
            10.  If ABC company expects cash inflows from its investment proposal it has undertaken in
                 time zero period,   2,00,000 and   1,50,000 for the first two years respectively and then
                 expects annuity payment of   1,00,000 for next eight years, what would be the present
                 value of cash inflows, assuming 10% rate of interest?

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