P. 34

Financial Management

                      Notes            using various combinations and points. Points on a mortgage refer to a payment that is
                                       made upfront to secure the loan. A single point is a payment of one per cent of the amount
                                       of the total mortgage loan. If you were borrowing   200,000 a single point would require
                                       an upfront payment of   2,000.
                                       When you are evaluating alternative mortgages, you may be able to obtain a lower rate
                                       by making an upfront payment. This comparison will not include an after-tax comparison.
                                       When  taxes are  considered,  the effective costs  are affected  by interest  paid and  the
                                       amortization of points on the loan. This analysis will require you to compare only before-
                                       tax costs.

                              allows you to compare the  effective costs  on alternative mortgages. You are
                                       considering three alternatives for a   250,000 mortgage. Assume that the mortgage will
                                       start in December, 2006. The mortgage company is offering you a 6% rate on a 30-year
                                       mortgage with no points. If you pay 1.25 points, they are willing to offer you the mortgage
                                       at 5.875%. If you pay 2 points, they are willing to offer you the mortgage at 5.75%.
                                       1.  What are the mortgage payments under the three alternatives?
                                       2.  Which alternative has the lowest effective cost?
                                       3.  Can you explain how the effective rate is being calculated?

                                    2.6 Summary

                                        The compensation for waiting is the time value of money, called interest. Interest is a fee
                                         that is paid for having the use of money

                                        The future value varies with the interest rate, the compounding frequency and the number
                                         of periods.

                                        The general  formula for  the future  value of    1, with  n representing  the number  of
                                         compounding period is fv = (1 + i)n

                                        Finding the present value of future receipts involves discounting the future value to the
                                         present. Discounting is the opposite of compounding.

                                        The general formula for the present value of  1 is pv = 1/(1+i)n
                                        An annuity is a series of equal payments made at equal time intervals, with compounding
                                         or discounting taking place at the time of each payment. Each annuity payment is called a

                                        The future value of an annuity or amount of annuity is the sum accumulated in the future
                                         from all the rents paid and the interest earned by the rents.

                                        The present value of an annuity is the sum  that must be invested today at compound
                                         interest in order to obtain periodic rents over some future time.

                                        An annuity that goes on for ever is called a perpetuity. The present value of a perpetuity
                                         of   C amount is given by the simple formula: C/i where i is the rate of interest.

                                        Compound growth rate can be calculated with the following formula:
                                                                  gr = Vo(1 + r)n = Vn

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