P. 33

Unit 2: Time Value of Money

                   Example: Take the above problem as it is and calculate doubling period.
                                      Dp = 0.35 + 69 / 10 = 7.25 years.

            Effective Rate of Interest in Case of Doubling Period
            Sometimes investors may have doubts as to what is the effective interest rate applicable, if a
            financial institute pays double amount at the end of a given number of years.
            Effective rate of interest can be defined by using the following formula.
            (a)  In case of rule of 72
                                      ERI = 72 per cent Doubling period (Dp)
                                      ERI = Effective rate of interest.
                                      Dp = Doubling period.

                     Example: A financial institute has come with an offer to the public, where the institute
                     pays double the amount invested in the institute by the end of 8 years. Mr. A, who is
                     interested to make a deposit, wants to know the affective rate of interest that will be
                     given by the institute. Calculate.

                                      ERI = 72 ÷ Dp = 72 ÷ 8 years = 9 per cent
            (b)  In case of rule of 69
                                      ERI =    + 0.35
                   Example: Take the above example:
                                      ERI =        + 0.35
                                             8 years
                                           = 8.98 per cent or 9 per cent

            Self Assessment
            Fill in the blanks:
            13.  Compound growth rate can be calculated with the formula- …………………

            14.  To get doubling period 72 is divided by …………rate
            15.  …………..period is the time required, to double the amount invested at a given rate of


              Case Study  Case: Comparing Mortgage Alternatives

                  he application of the time value of money principles can help you make decisions on
              Tloan alternatives. This exercise requires you to compare three mortgage alternatives

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