P. 83

Unit 5: Risk and Return Analysis

            Where Wx* is the proportion of investment in security X (since the variance in Security X is  Notes
            lower than Y). Investment in Y will be 1 – Wx*. In the above example, we find
                              58.2 ( 33)    91.2
                   Wx* =                  =      = 0.578
                           58.2 33.6 2( 33)  157.6
            Thus, the weight of Y will be 1 – 0.578 = 0.422
            The portfolio variance (with 57.8 per cent of investment in X and 42.2 per cent in Y) is:
                    6p 2  = 33.6 (0.578)  + 58.2 (0.422)  + 2(0.578) (0.422) (5.80) × (7.63) (–746)
                    6p 2  = 11.23 + 10.36 – 16.11 = 5.48
            Any other combination of X and Y will yield a higher variance.
            (In the earlier example of 50% and 50% weights, we have seen the variance as 6.44)
            Self Assessment

            Fill in the blanks:
            7.   The return of a portfolio is equal to the ………………..of the returns of individual assets.
            8.   A portfolio that has the lowest level of risk is referred as the …………….portfolio.
            9.   The portfolio ……………is affected by the  association of  movement of  returns of  two

            5.4 Portfolio Risk and Correlation
            The  risk of  portfolio of X and  Y has  considerably reduced due to  the negative  correlation
            between returns of securities X and Y. The above example shows that risk can be reduced by
            investing in more than one security. However, the extent of benefits of portfolio diversification
            depends on the correlation between returns of securities.
            The correlation coefficient will always be between +1 and –1. Returns of securities vary perfectly
            when the correlation coefficient is + 1.0 and is perfectly opposite direction when it is – 1.0. A zero
            correlation coefficient implies that there is no relationship between the return of securities. In
            practice, the correlation coefficients of returns of securities may vary between +1 and –1. How
            the portfolio variance is affected by the Correlation Coefficient can be explained by an example.

                   Example: Securities M and N are equally risky but they have different expected returns:
                   Km = 0.16     6 m = 0.04     Kn = 0.24     6n = 0.20
                   Wm = 0.50     ám = 0.20      Wn = 0.50     6 n= 0.04
            What is the portfolio variance if (a) Cormn = = +1.0, (b) Cormn = –1.0 (c) Cormn = +0.10 and
            (d) Cormn – 0.10

            Perfect Positive Correlation

            When the returns of two securities M and N are perfectly positively correlated the portfolio
            variance will be
                           6p 2  = 0.04 (0.5)  + 0.04 (0.5)  + 2 (0.5)(0.5) (1.0)(0.2)(0.2)
                               = 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.02 = 0.04
            The portfolio variance is just equal to the variance of individual securities. Thus, the combination
            of securities M and N is as risky as the individual securities.

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