P. 81

Unit 5: Risk and Return Analysis

            5.3.2  Measuring Portfolio Risk                                                       Notes

            Like in the case of individual assets or securities, the risk of a portfolio can be measured in terms
            of variance or standard deviation. The portfolio variance is affected by the association of
            movement  of  returns  of  two  securities.  Covariance  of  two  securities  measures  their  co-
            movements. Three steps are involved in the calculation of covariance between two securities:

            1.   Determine the expected returns for securities.
            2.   Determine the deviation of possible returns for each security.
            3.   Determine the sum of the product of each deviation of returns of two securities and

              Caution  The variance or standard deviation of the portfolio is not simply the weighted
              average of variances or standard deviations of individual securities.
            Let us consider the data of securities X Y given in Example 4.
            We have seen that the expected return for security X is 5% and for security Y is 8%. Calculations
            of variations from the expected return and covariance – products of deviations of returns of
            securities X and Y and the associated probabilities are given below:
                                Co-variance of Returns of Securities X and Y

                 State of     Probability     Returns %     Deviations      Product of
                Economy                                    from expected   Deviation &
                                                              Return       Probability
                                              X      Y      X       Y
                   A              0.1        –8      14     –13     6         –7.8
                   B              0.2        10      –4      5     –12        –12.0
                   C              0.4         8      6       3      –2        –2.4
                   D              0.2         5      15      0      7          0.0
                   E              0.1        –4      20      9      12        –10.8
               Covariance                                                     –33.0

            The covariance of returns of securities X and Y is – 33. We can use the following formula for
            computing covariance:
                                   Covxy =    P (kx kx) (ky ky)
                                             i 1
            Where CoVxy is the variance of returns of securities X and Y, kx and ky returns of securities X
            and Y respectively, Kx and Ky.
            It may be observed from the calculation of covariance of returns of securities X and Y that is a
            measure of both the standard deviations of the securities and their association. Thus, covariance
            can be calculated as follows:
                  Covariance XY = Standard Deviation X × Standard Deviation Y × Correlation XY

                        Covxy = 6x × 6y × Corxy
            Where 61 and 62 are standard deviation returns for securities X and Y and Corxy is the correlation
            coefficient of securities X and Y. Correlation measures the linear relationship between two
            variables (in this case X and Y securities).

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