P. 77

Unit 5: Risk and Return Analysis

            5.2.3  Risk Measurement Quantitatively                                                Notes

            The risk of asset  in addition  to range  can  be measured  quantitatively  by using  statistical
            methods – the standard deviation and the co-efficient of variation.

            Standard Deviation

            The most common statistical indicator of an asset’s risk is the standard deviation (6k) which
            measures the dispension around the expected value k. The expected value of a return (k) is the
            most likely return on a given asset and is calculated as:
                                       K  = å  (k ´  P )
                                             i 1
            where                      k = return for the ith outcome
                                       P = probability of occurrence of ith income
                                       N = number of outcomes considered
            The expression of Standard Deviation of returns (6k)

                                             0.8 ´ 0.03
                                      6K =           å (k  i  - k) P i
                                              0.022   = i 1
            where    represents the square root.
            The square of the standard deviation (6k)  is known as variance of the distribution.
            Co-efficient of Variation

            The coefficient of variation (CV) is a measure of relative dispension that is useful in comparing
            the risk of assets with differing expected returns. Thus coefficient of variation (CV) is

                                             6   Standard Deviation of Returns
                                      CV =    k  =
                                             K     Expected value of a return

            Did u know?  The higher the coefficient of variation, the greater the risk.

                   Example: The probability distribution of returns for assets A and B
                                Assets A                     Assets B
                         Returns      Probability     Returns      Probability
                           13%           0.2            0             0.1
                           15%           0.7           15%            0.7
                           17%            01           25%            0.2

            Calculate the expected value, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of returns in
            respect of Asset A and Asset B. Which of these mutually exclusive assets do you prefer and why?

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