P. 170

Unit 8: Financial Institutions

          Functions of IDBI                                                                     Notes

          1.   Coordinating Function:  The  IDBI coordinates the functions  and operations  of all  the
               financial institutions, including the IFCI, the ICICI, the LIC, GIC and the UTI into a single
               integrated financial structure so that each may contribute to the total effect - the growth of
               the economy.
          2.   Financing Function:  As an industrial financier, the IDBI would assist all the deserving
               projects (regardless of their size), which  experience enormous problems in assembling
               funds from normal channels. Its endeavour in this regard is to ensure that no worthwhile
               project, however, small, is allowed to languish for want of, or insufficiency of, institutional
               support. The bank can assist a project, directly and indirectly. As direct financier, it may
               assist industrial concerns in following ways:
               (i)  Grant term loans and advances;
               (ii)  Subscribe to, purchase or underwrite, the issue of stocks, shares or debentures;

               (iii)  Guarantee the deferred payments due from industrial concerns to third parties and
                    the loans raised by them in the open market or from financial institutions; and
               (iv)  Providing working capital to projects assisted by the bank.

               Direct assistance is usually granted for the acquisition of fixed assets for new units as well
               as for expansion, modernization or renovation of existing units. It is usually provided to
               large-scale  and medium  sized projects  which have  not been able to obtain their  full
               requirements from  other term-financing  institutions, it  normally prefers  not to  assist
               projects whose needs can be met by other institutions.
          3.   Promotional Function: The IDBI is authorized to perform promotional activities with a
               view to bringing about a viable industrial development, especially in the less developed
               areas. These promotional activities are oriented towards meeting the dual objectives of
               balanced  regional development  and acceleration  in industrial  growth. The  activities
               directed towards the first objective include the identification and follow-up of projects
               located in backward areas. These directed towards fulfilling the second objective include
               efforts at building up an appropriate frame work for industrial development.

          Corporate Strategy of IDBI

          Within the overall framework of its purpose and objectives the IDBI during the first decade of its
          existence adopted the strategy of supporting all deserving projects of national importance directly
          through lendings and direct investment and indirectly through dispensation of resource support
          to other term financing institutions. It adopted consortium approach for assisting gigantic projects.
          While playing the role of a promoter  IDBI adopted penetration strategy to identify growth
          potential areas of the country, identify project ideas, provide help to potential entrepreneurs to
          appraise these ideas and to help them to materialize these ideas into projects.
          As an apex institution, the IDBI adopted the strategy of coordinating the operations of the term
          lending institutions through inter-institutional periodic meetings.
          During the second decade of its operations the IDBI adopted consolidation strategy so as to carry
          forward its mission of fostering industrial growth in the country and diving a qualitative thrust
          to the process of industrialization. Thus, the bank focused its efforts on the promotion of small
          and medium scale  industries, development of industrially backward areas, widening of  the
          entrepreneurial base in the country and modernization and up gradation of technology.

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