P. 25

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

                    Notes          and the sponsor(s). After a particular period of agreed upon between the sponsor and the company
                                   the shares are issued to the public by the sponsor with a premium. The holding cost of such
                                   shares by the sponsor may either be reimbursed by the company, or the sponsor may absorb the
                                   profit in part or full as per the agreement, arising out of the public offering at a premium. After
                                   the public offering, the shares are listed in one or more stock exchanges.

                                   Bought out deal is not only advantageous to the company going for it, but also it is advantageous
                                   to the sponsors and common investors.
                                   1.  The company has the advantage of using the fund immediately without waiting as in the
                                       case of direct public issue. In case of BOD, the company instantly obtains funds and is able
                                       to focus its attention on project implementation without worrying about the source of
                                       investment. Bought out deals are ideally suited for circumstances when money needs to
                                       be arranged quickly, without which the project may suffer. Lowering or eliminating issue
                                       cost from the preliminary expenses is another advantage to the company.
                                   2.  The time taken to raise money in the capital market by a company can be as much as six
                                       months and this time is very high for a company in a stage of infancy. The waste of time
                                       at the initial stage can be avoided by going for BOD.
                                   3.  In case of a new and untried product it is easier to convince an investment banker for an
                                       investment in the company rather than the general public. Thus, BOD is an innovative
                                       method of financing for such companies.

                                   4.  When the market sentiment is low and the secondary market is undergoing a bear phase,
                                       a company may not like to come to the market with a public issue. In such a case, BOD is
                                       a superior process to obtain funds for the company.
                                   5.  The merchant bankers also gain handsomely from a BOD. The merchant banks expect a
                                       return of around 30% from a BOD whereas private financing institutions expect a return of
                                       40% to 60% from a BOD. The gains can be tremendous, provided the sponsors select proper
                                       issues and price it attractively to the investors.

                                   6.  The investors also gain from the BOD in a way that they get good issues where some
                                       merchant banker has already invested in it. The common investors do not have enough
                                       scope and information for  proper evaluation of a company. The merchant bankers are
                                       professionals and can make proper appraisal of a company.


                                   A BOD may also be disadvantageous to a merchant banker as well to the promoter.
                                   1.  There is a fear of loss of control of management because the sponsor is a holder of a large
                                       chunk of equities at one time. The sponsor may also influence the policy decision, which
                                       may affect the functioning of the company.

                                   2.  The investment banker who has to off-load the equities in the primary market at a later
                                       date is entitled to ask for a higher price for the risk taken by him. But this price may scare
                                       away the common investors.
                                   3.  If a company does not perform as per the expectations of sponsor, or if the promoter does
                                       not cooperate with the sponsor later, the sponsor may have a tough time and may finds
                                       that its entire investment has been eroded.

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