P. 215
Unit 9: Small Groups Organizations
9.5.9 Sickness
9.5.10 Global Competition
9.6 Summary
9.7 Keywords
9.8 Review Questions
9.9 Further Reading
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
• Understand the small groups organizations
• Explain the classification of small scale industries
• Define the role of small scale industries in Indian economy
• Define the disabilities
• Discuss the typical problems faced by small businesses
There is a traditional theory of group behaviour that implicitly assumes that private groups
and associations operate according to principles entirely different from those that govern the
relationships among firms in the make place or between taxpayers and the state. This “group
theory” appears to be one of the principal concerns of many political scientists, as well as
a major preoccupation of many sociologists and social psychologists. This traditional theory
of groups, like most other theories, has been developed by different writers with varying
views, and there is accordingly an inevitable injustice in any attempt to give a common
treatment to these different views. Still, the various exponents of the traditional understanding
of groups do have a common relationship to the approach developed in the present study.
It is therefore appropriate to speak here in a loose way of a single traditional theory,
provided that a distinction is drawn between the two basic variants of this theory the casual
variant and the formal variant. In its most casual form, the traditional view is that private
organizations and groups are ubiquitous, and that this ubiquity is due to a fundamental
human propensity to form and join associations. As the famous Italian political philosopher
Gaetano Mosca puts it, men have an instinct for herding together and fighting with other
herds. This instinct also underlies the formation of all the divisions and subdivisions that
arise within a given society and occasion moral, sometimes, physical conflicts. Aristotle may
have had some; similar gregarious faculty in mind when he said that man was by nature
a political animal.
9.1 Definition of Small Groups Organizations
The definition for small-scale industrial (SSI) undertakings has changed over time. Initially
they were classified into two categories–those using power with less than 50 employees and
those not using power with the employee strength being more than 50 but less than 100.
However, the capital resources invested on plant and machinery buildings have been the