P. 93
Operating System Tools
Notes KWord
KWord has a basic Word Processor that allows us to write letters and other simple texts. However,
some more advanced features are still missing, and it has some irritating bugs. If you are using
the KDE desktop environment then you can make a Window Screenshot with Alt+Print and
a Desktop Screenshot with Alt+Print, and immediately insert it into Kword (or other KDE
programs) by pasting (ctrl-v or shift-insert).
KSpread is considered as a decent spreadsheet, and will probably turn out to be a very nice thing
someday. Today, anyone used to Microsoft Excel or other modern spreadsheets will simply find
that too many significant features are missing.
Task Compare and contrast Kword and Kspread.
5.1.3 The Gnome Office
GNOME Office consists of various applications including AbiWord, Gnumeric, Evince,
and Evolution. Table 5.1 shows a current listing for common GNOME Office applications.
All implement the support for embedding components, ensuring drag-and-drop capability
throughout the GNOME interface. You can install these applications as a group with the meta-
package at Ubuntu Software Center, Office | Gnome Office. This meta-package will also install
the Evolution mailer, Inkscape graphics editor, and the Gimp image editor.
Table 5.1: GNOME Office Applications
AbiWord is considered as an open source word processor whose objective is to be a complete
cross-platform solution, running on Unix, Mac and Windows, and Linux.
Gnumeric is considered as a professional-level GNOME spreadsheet which is designed to
substitute commercial spreadsheets. Gnumeric supports standard GUI spreadsheet features,
including auto filling and cell formatting, and an extensive number of formats. Gnumeric also
supports plug-ins, making it possible to extend and customize its abilities easily.
Dia is a drawing program which is designed to create diagrams, like database, flow chart, circuit
object, and network diagrams. You can create elements along with lines and arcs with different