P. 209
Graphic Tools
Task Create a simple HTML page using the tags described above.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
4. Page …………………… are created with the <hn> tag, in which ‘n’ is a number between 1
and 5 depicting the different sizes for the headings.
5. …………………… tags are used to store information about the web page.
6. …………………… tags are used to provide a Title for the web page.
9.3 Block Oriented Elements
These elements are used to format the document as text blocks. Most of the structure of a web
page constitutes the block-oriented elements. Some of the block oriented elements are discussed
Using paragraph tag: <P></P>
Creates a paragraph, perhaps the most common block level element.
Using Line Break Tag: <BR>
It is used to add line breaks in a document. It is a tag that works even without a closing tag and
hence is called an empty tag.
Using Preformatted Text Tag: <PRE></PRE>
Text within this element is typically displayed in a non-proportional font exactly as it is laid out
in the file. Whereas browsers ignore white space for other HTML elements, in pre, white space
should be rendered as authored.
Notes This tag can be used, where it requires total control over spacing and line breaks
such as typing a poem.
Using Horizontal Rule Tag: <HR>
This empty tag is used to draw horizontal rules and lines. It can be used to separate two sections
of text. It accepts following attributes:
z SIZE: This pixel value determines the thickness of the horizontal rule.
z WIDTH: Specifies an exact width of HR in pixels, or a relative width as percentage of the
document width.
z ALIGN: Set the alignment of the rule to LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER.