P. 126

Unit 8: Operations on Linked List

          temp = *head;                                                                         Notes
          while ( (k < position — 1) && temp—>next!=NULL){
          temp = temp—>next;
          if( temp—>next== NULL) //Insertion at the end
          newNode —>next = temp—>next;
          newNode—>prev = temp;
          temp—>next = newNode;
          else  {       //Insertion in the middle
          newNode—>next = temp—>next;
          newNode—>prev = temp;
          temp—>next—>prev = newNode;
          temp—>next = newNode;
          8.2.2 Doubly Linked List Deletion

          As similar to singly linked list deletion, here also we have three cases:
               Deleting the first node
               Deleting the last node

               Deleting an intermediate node
          Deleting the First Node in Doubly Linked List

          In this case, first node (current head node) is removed from the list. It can be done in two steps.

                 Example: The example given below shows the steps for deleting the First Node in
          Doubly Linked List.
               Create a temporary node which will point to same node as that of head.

                                 Figure 8.19: Create a Temporary Node


               Now, move the head nodes pointer to the next node and change the heads left pointer to
               NULL. Then, dispose the temporary node.

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