P. 120
Unit 8: Web Site Testing
simply consume bandwidth. Use different file types for images such as jpeg, png, bitmap, and so
7. Tables: Verify the position of tables for convenience of use, because sometimes the users may need
to constantly keep scrolling to access the information.
If a marketing company’s Web site has tables that are not set up properly and
contain information about the items on the left and their prices on the right,
which cannot be viewed simultaneously, then the user will have to repeatedly
scroll right to see the price of the item. This can make the customer impatient
and make him/her choose to leave the Web site.
In the above example, it would be more convenient if the price is placed closer to the item. Also,
you need to verify whether the columns are wide enough. Check if every row has a wrap-around
to make contents clear to the user and if there are any rows that have become too lengthy because
of an entry.
8. Wrap-around: When you have images on your Web site, ensure the correct wrap-around of those
images. If the text in your Web site refers to a picture on the right, ensure the availability of the
same. Make sure that your Web site does not contain any widow or orphan sentences and
paragraphs due to presence of images.
If a Web site explains the concept of water fall model of software testing with
water fall model figure, it should include the figure either above, below, or
next to the text. In the absence of figure, the text becomes widow or orphan.
Wrap-around of text is nothing but placing the text above, below, or next to an image.
9. Functionality: If the links in a Web page, database connection, and forms work properly, your
Web site functions well. Therefore, in a Web site, you need to test all the links, database
connection, and forms used to acquire information from the users.
10. Links: A link acts as a vehicle that navigates the user from one page to another. Links can be tested
in two ways:
(a) For the existence of the link that navigates a user to another page
(b) For the existence of the pages to which the existed link is trying to navigate
You need to ensure that there are no broken links in your Web site.
11. Forms: When using forms in your Web site, make sure they work properly. When a user fills up
forms to submit information, the information should be accepted by the Web site and the submit
button should work properly.
If the form is for an online registration, the user should be given login
information (that works) after successful registration. When a form is used to
gather shipping information, it should be organized well, so that the customer
provides all the information required for the shipment.
In order to test the forms, you need to verify that the server is capable of storing the information
and that the systems down the line can interpret and use that information.
12. Data Verification: The data entered as user input for any system should match the business rules
that have been defined for the system.