P. 41
Unit 3: Common AI Problems
Figure 3.2
2 8 3
1 6 4 Start
7 5
2 8 3
1 4
7 6 5
2 3
1 8 4
7 6 5
2 3
1 8 4
7 6 5
1 2 3
8 4
7 6 5
1 2 3
8 4 Goal
7 6 5
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
3. The ................................... comprises eight numbered, changeable tiles set in a 3 × 3 frame.
4. The program is to modify the initial configuration into the ...................................
5. To solve a problem by means of a ................................... system, we must state the global
database the rules, and the control strategy.
6. The problem goal condition generates the basis for the ................................... condition of
the production system.
3.3 Frame Problem
In the restricted planet of a robot, surroundings are not static. Many changeable forces or actions
can cause alterations or modifications to it. The problem of forcing a robot to acclimatize to
these changes is the foundation of the frame problem in artificial intelligence. Information in
the knowledge base and the robot’s conclusions unite to form the input for what the robot’s
succeeding action should be. A good assortment from its details can be made by disposing or
ignoring inappropriate facts and ridding of results that could have negative side effects.
A robot must bring in facts that are pertinent to a particular moment. Specifically, a robot will
inspect its current situation, and then observe the facts that will be beneficial to selecting its
subsequent action. The robot should also investigate for any changeable facts. It then inspects
these facts to verify if any of them have been altered during a preceding examination.