P. 20

Network Operating Systems-I

                                                            figure 1.15: setting the time Zone

                                   setting up the root user

                                   All Linux systems have an administrative account, root. This account has access to everything
                                   on the computer; it’s similar to the Administrator account in Windows systems. As the power
                                   of root in Linux is so broad, it’s critical that you make accessing the root account as difficult as
                                   possible. Choose a secure password for the root account – one that consists of both upper and
                                   lowercase letters, as well as numbers and special characters – and enter it into the fields as shown
                                   in Figure 1.16. It is recommended that you record your root password somewhere and keep it
                                   safe: if you forget the password, it becomes very difficult to gain access to your machine should
                                   things go wrong.

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