P. 259
Unit 13: FTP Server
VAX/VMS systems have filesystems that show as ALL CAPS notes
and directories can be recognized as filenames ending in .DIR
Files reside on disks, denoted by NAME: e.g. NETDISK:
and a file on that disk could be denoted by:
You can change to that directory by typing:
cd netdisk:[faq.internet]
but since you are generally allowed only access to one disk,
you probably can use cd [faq.internet] or type cd faq and
then cd internet
TOPS-20 has directories of the form: DISK:<DIR1.DIR2>, VAX/VMS
has directories of the form DISK:[DIR1.DIR2] (use cd [-] instead
of cd .. and cd [.DIR1] instead of cd dir1). DOS, OS/2 and
Windows NT look like Unix but have shorter directory names.
VM/CMS has mini-disks that can be accessed with the CD command:
cd <vm_userid>.<vaddr>
e.g. cd arcdsk.100
For an anonymous userid:
cd <userid_of_interest>.<vaddr>
account <mini-disk_write_password>
e.g. cd bob.191
account bob1
Note: ‘account...’ may not be required if the mini-disk is not
password protected.
LoveLy professionaL university 253