P. 110

Unit 5: Trees

             curr->right = new;                                                                 Notes
          Program: Binary tree creation

          Array-based representation of a Binary Tree

          Consider a complete binary tree T having n nodes where each node contains an item (value).
          Label the nodes of the complete binary tree T from top to bottom and from left to right 0, 1, ...,
          n-1. Associate with T the array A where the i entry of A is the item in the node labelled i of T, i =
          0, 1, ..., n-1. Figure 5.8 depicts the array representation of a Binary tree of fi gure.
          Given the index i of a node, we can easily and efficiently compute the index of its parent and left

          and right children:
          Index of Parent: (i – 1)/2, Index of Left Child: 2i + 1, Index of Right Child: 2i + 2.
                               Table 5.1: Array representation of a Binary Tree

                          Node        Item     Left child    Right child
                              0        A          1             2
                              1        B          3             4
                              2        C          –1            –1
                              3        D          5             6
                              4        E          7             8
                              5        G          –1            –1
                              6        H          –1            –1
                              7        I          –1            –1
                              8        J          –1            –1
                              9        ?          ?             ?

          First column represents index of node, second column consist of the item stored in the node and
          third and fourth columns indicate the positions of left and right children (–1 indicates that there
          is no child to that particular node.)

          5.5 Binary Tree Traversal

          This section discusses different orders in which a binary tree can be traversed. The algorithms
          for some commonly used orders of traversal are also presented. It also discusses the issue of
          construction of a unique binary tree given the orders of traversal.

          5.5.1 Order of Traversal of Binary Tree

          The following are the possible orders in which a binary tree can be traversed:
          1.   LDR
          2.   LRD
          3.   DLR
          4.   RDL
          5.   RLD
          6.   DRL

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