P. 38

Unit 2: Linked Lists

                         {                                                                      Notes
                            prev -> link = curr -> link ;
                            free ( curr );
             /* a function to compute the length of a linked list */
             int length ( struct node *p )
                int count = 0 ;
                while ( p != NULL )
                p = p->link;
             return ( count ) ;
                                       Figure 2.1: Before Deletion
                                    pointer X

                                                          node to be deleted

                                       Figure 2.2: After Deletion
                                  pointer X

          2.5 Inserting a Node after the Specified Node in a Singly Linked List

          To insert a new node after the specifi ed node, first we get the number of the node in an existing
          list after which the new node is to be inserted. This is based on the assumption that the nodes of
          the list are numbered serially from 1 to n. The list is then traversed to get a pointer to the node,

          whose number is given. If this pointer is x, then the link field of the new node is made to point to

          the node pointed to by x, and the link field of the node pointed to by x is made to point to the new
          node. Figures 2.3 and 2.4 show the list before and after the insertion of the node, respectively.

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