P. 259
Unit 14: Authentication
(or cookie, when talking about Web applications) to only need to sign on to one service, but Notes
gain access to many. Synchronizing passwords between services isn’t usually done for security
reasons; instead it’s for user convenience. In the rare instances where a password change on one
system, not a central system, propagates to all others, it is possible to implement a password
aging policy. Generally, these types of setups are organically grown because a diverse set of
applications don’t support a coherent set of protocols, and password aging is impossible.
As contrary as it may sound, central authentication is the only way to ensure proper security.
Administrators can instantly disable access to all services at the same time with central
authentication, and they can also ensure that password policies are enforced. The fact that a user
is supplying the same password for all services isn’t as much of a concern as one might think.
Indeed, there will always be multiple levels of security requirements. The most critical and secure
financial systems, for example, can still be kept separate to alleviate concerns about a password
compromise, but only if it also implements appropriate password strictness and aging policies.
Finally, be sure to pay close attention to how your chosen systems will handle passwords set
before your change in policy. Some systems may continue to allow old users with weak password
to continue using them after you’ve turned on password complexity requirements. Likewise, be
sure to verify that new aging policies apply to all existing user accounts, not just new ones.
Properly managed accounts, that is, accounts that are automatically disabled after too much idle
time, will shut down the main vehicle of attack used today. Of course, disabling ex-employee
accounts is just as important. Leaving an account open so that people can have access to an
ex-employee’s e-mail is risky, and should be carefully considered. It’s generally best to make a
copy of all existing e-mail, and then configure an e-mail forward to their supervisor. Combine
constant user education about social engineering tactics, sysadmin education about security best
practices, and vigilance in account policies; now your enterprise can be much more secure and
easier to manage.
14.6.1 Data Security Policy
Data security includes the mechanisms that control the access to and use of the database at the object
level. Your data security policy determines which users have access to a specific schema object,
and the specific types of actions allowed for each user on the object. For example, the policy could
establish that user scott can issue SELECT and INSERT statements but not DELETE statements
using the emp table. Your data security policy should also define the actions, if any, that are
audited for each schema object.
Your data security policy is determined primarily by the level of security you want to establish
for the data in your database.For example, it may be acceptable to have little data security in a
database when you want to allow any user to create any schema object, or grant access privileges
for their objects to any other user of the system. Alternatively, it might be necessary for data
security to be very controlled when you want to make a database or security administrator the
only person with the privileges to create objects and grant access privileges for objects to roles
and users.
Overall data security should be based on the sensitivity of data. If information is not sensitive,
then the data security policy can be more lax. However, if data is sensitive, a security policy
should be developed to maintain tight control over access to objects.
14.6.2 End-User Security
Security administrators must define a policy for end-user security. If a database has many users,
the security administrator can decide which groups of users can be categorized into user groups,
and then create user roles for these groups. The security administrator can grant the necessary
privileges or application roles to each user role, and assign the user roles to the users. To account