P. 80

Unit 7: Commonly used Algorithm to Real-time Scheduling

                                     Figure 7.6: EDF Algorithm


             Caution LST is not optimal for scheduling jobs on more than one processor.

          Self Assessment

          State whether the following statements are True or False:
          7.   Effective Deadline with a successor is equal to its given deadline.
          8.   Priorities cannot be assigned to jobs according to their deadlines.

          9.   The later the deadline, the higher the priority. Such scheduling algorithm is called the
               Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) algorithms.
          10.  The priorities are based on the release times of jobs; the later the release time, the higher
               the  priority.
          11.  The EDF algorithm can produces a feasible schedule of a set J of jobs with arbitrary release
               times and deadlines on a processor if and only if J has feasible schedules.
          12.  Any feasible schedule of J can be systematically transformed into an EDF schedule.


             Case Study  Real-Time Dynamic Voltage Scaling

                  his case  study concerns the performance of real-time embedded systems under
                  dynamic voltage scaling schedulers. Dynamic voltage scaling is a technique used
             Tto address the trade-off between the battery life and the performance of battery
             powered processors.

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