P. 84

Unit 7: Commonly used Algorithm to Real-time Scheduling

          7.5 Summary                                                                           Notes

              A real-time operating system is a system that schedules execution  of tasks  in a timely
               deterministic manner, and is scalable.

              The scheduler follows a set  of algorithms that determine which task  executes at each

              Preemptive priority-based scheduling is a mandatory property of the operating system we
               evaluate for use in our application.
              An interrupt is an asynchronous exception of which the source is an internal or external
               hardware device.
              Release times and deadlines of jobs are inconsistent with the precedence constraints of the
              Effective Release time of a job without predecessors is equal to its given release time.
              Effective Deadline without a successor is equal to its given deadline.
              Priorities can be assigned to jobs according to their deadlines.

               The earlier the deadline, the higher the priority. Such scheduling algorithm is called the
               Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) algorithms.
              The priorities are based on the release times of jobs; the later the release time, the higher
               the  priority.
              the EDF algorithm can produces a feasible schedule of a set J of jobs with arbitrary release
               times and deadlines on a processor if and only if J has feasible schedules.
              Any feasible schedule of J can be systematically transformed into an EDF schedule.

          7.6 Keywords

          Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) Algorithm: It is an algorithm that is optimal when used to schedule
          jobs on a processor as long as preemption is allowed and jobs do not contend for resources.
          Latest Release Time (LRT) Algorithm: This is an algorithm that treats release times as deadlines
          and deadlines as release times and schedules the jobs backwards, starting from the latest deadline
          of all jobs, in “priority-driven” manner, to the current time.
          Real-time Operating System: A real-time operating system is a system that schedules execution
          of tasks in a timely deterministic manner, and is scalable.

          Real-time Scheduling: It is the form of scheduling that offers a way of predicting the timing
          behaviour of complex multi-tasking computer software.
          RM Schedulers: These are static and assign the task priority according to the period of the tasks
          – they always select the task with the shortest period that is ready to run.

          7.7 Review Questions

          1.   Define the term real-time scheduling.
          2.   What is effective release times and deadline?

          3.   What is the limitation of effective deadline?

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