P. 102

Unit 6: Cloud Computing for the Corporation

          4.   What do you understand by Evernote Hello approach to the contact management?     Notes
          5.   Write a short note on smartr.
          6.   How does Soocial used for creating contacts list?
          7.   Explain project management clouds and how can they impact project management?

          8.   Describe collaborating on reports and marketing materials.
          9.   What are the models of budgetary collaboration?
          10.  Briefly explain collaborating on presentations with suitable examples.

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   Master                            2.  Slave

          3.   in-person, Teleconferences       4.   Web-based
          5.   Contacts                         6.   Innovative
          7.   Plaxo                            8.   Encounter
          9.   Lean, digitize                    10.  Group
          11.  Web-based                        12.  Office-suites
          13.  Catalogue                         14.  Word-processing

          15.  Expense                           16.  Budgets
          17.  Internet                         18.  Snazzy
          19.  HTML                              20.  Static, motion
          21.  Feedback                          22.  iCloud

          6.15 Further Readings

           Books      Broberg.James, 2011, “Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms”. John Wiley &
                      Sons, Inc.
                      E. Y. Sarna. David, 2011, “Implementing and Developing Cloud Computing Applications”.
                      Auerbach Publications.

                      Escalante. Armando, 2010, “Handbook of Cloud Computing Computer science”. Springer.
                      Rhoton. John, 2009, “Cloud Computing Explained: Implementation Handbook for
                      Enterprises”. Recursive Press.

          Online links


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