P. 69
Cloud Computing
Notes Businesses using cloud computing only use the server space they need, which decreases their
carbon footprint. Using the cloud results in at least 30% less energy consumption and carbon
emissions than using on-site servers.
Service Composition
The great promise of service oriented computing is that the marginal cost of creating the nth
application will be virtually zero, as all the software required already exists to satisfy the
requirements of other applications. In a Cloud-computing environment, consumers, brokers,
and service providers interact to achieve their individual purposes. In this regard, service
providers offer a pool of resources wrapped as web services, which should be composed by
broker agents to provide a single virtualized service to Cloud consumers. In the real world a
service in a business is usually composed of many component services. These component services
join together to form a composite of components. The trustworthiness of component services
determines the trustworthiness of this composite.
Digital Ecosystems advocate service composability to avoid centralized control by large service
providers, because easy service composition allows coalitions of SMEs to compete simply by
composing simpler services into more complex services those only large enterprises would
otherwise be able to deliver. So, we should extend decentralization beyond resource provision
and up to the service layer, to enable service composition within the Community Cloud.
5.2.2 Architecture
Cloud computing architecture refers to the components and subcomponents required for cloud
computing. These components typically consist of a front end platform (fat client, thin client,
mobile device), back end platforms (servers, storage), a cloud based delivery, and a network
(Internet, Intranet, Intercloud). Combined, these components make up cloud computing
Cloud computing is an emerging architectural paradigm driven by the sharp drop of technology
costs followed by radically improved performance. Social changes and economic advances have
created a huge number of consumers and producers of various content artefacts (text, photo,
music, video, etc.) representing huge user clouds and large communities (in the order of 100s of
millions people). Thus, we see cloud computing developing on an unprecedented scale and
dynamics on a global basis.
Did u know? Cloud solutions are not new. In 1961, Stanford professor John McCarthy
became one of the first people to envision a time-share, service bureau-computing model.
5.3 Collaborating on Schedules
In this section, we will study about the following sub-sections.
5.3.1 Sports Team Schedules
The best way is to manage your sports events is to use a Web-based calendar tool, such as Google
Calendar (, Yahoo! Calendar (, or Calendar Hub
Google Calendar is a free online calendar application from Google that makes it easy to keep
track of life’s important events all in one place. It’s the ideal tool for managing personal and