Page 242 - DCAP403_Operating System
P. 242

Unit 12: Security Solution

                                  Figure 12.5: Transaction with Signature                       Notes

               Secret key of the                        Private key of the
               sender, shared with                      sender
               the recipient

               Message     Message      Message      Encryption   Cipher text
                           digest       digest 9673  algorithm
                           algorithm    1045

              1. Prepare   2. Create                   3. Encrypt the message
              message      message digest              and the digest with the
                                                       private key of the sender

               Message         Decryption              Cipher    Send
                               Algorithm               text and  Cipher
                                                       Dig Cert  and Dig
               Mess Dig
               Algorithm                   Public Key                      Dig Cert

               Computed Mess     5 and 6 Decrypt message  4 E-mail from
               Dig               and Dig using Pub Key of the  sender to recipient

                                  Mess Digest       Tampered if both inputs are not equal
                                  Comparison        Not tempered if the inputs are equal

          Each message produces a random message digest using the conversion formula. Private key is
          used to encrypt that digest to obtain digital signature. Or in other words encrypts message digest
          (private key is used for encryption) called digital signature.

                 (hash function  →  message digest)⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→   Digital signature
                                              with sender privae key

          Verification of Digital Signature
          Say person X is sending the message to person Y.


          1.   To send the message (X sends to Y)
               (a)   Develop message digest for each message. Using hash function.

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