Page 25 - DCAP512_WAP_AND_WML
P. 25

Unit 2: Basic of a Good WAP Application

          Self Assessment                                                                       Notes

          Fill in the blanks:
          1.   ………………………. is believed to be first WAP micro browser that deals with HTML and
               WAP along with WML script, Post Office Protocol (POP3).
          2.   WAP micro browsers are small software that displays information written in a special
               mark-up language called ………………………. on the internet.
          3.   The WAP micro browsers set up the ………………………. networks and gets content that
               are written in XHTML language.

          4.   WAP content (WML and WML Script) is converted into a ………………………. binary form
               for transmission over the air.
          5.   ………………………. Browser emerged with its Small Screen Rendering technology.
          6.   WML is used to create ………………………. that can be displayed in a WAP browser.
          7.   User  installable  WAP  browsers  are  the  browsers  that  are  not  provided  with  the
               ………………………. operating system.
          8.   WAP micro browsers are optimized to display internet content most effectively on small
               display screen with the help of low speed ……………………….

          2.3 Application Design Process

          Device Dependency

          Today all statements toward designing WAP applications are extremely device dependent, e.g.
          different display sizes and availability of softkeys. Therefore, a simple and  well-structured
          design is the best strategy for minimizing the problem of supporting different browsers as well
          as phones and other WAP devices.


          When it comes  to designing any kind of electronic service, simplicity is the  key to  gaining
          acceptance and appreciation from the users. Simplicity is especially important in the context of
          use in a mobile environment since the user often needs to concentrate on other things besides
          using the terminal. Two examples for this are:
              Fully mobile, such as walking through the streets

              Semi mobile, such as sitting in a train
          Thus restrictions apply due to the factors device, application and context. Some implications of
          this are the following:
              It should be unnecessary  to remember codes, numbers, or other information from one
               part of the application to another.
              In situations of choice the users should be asked to make simple decisions rather than
               complex ones. Divide the problem if possible.
          Good utilization of the extremely limited display space is important. Therefore avoid unnecessary
          blank space.
          The user interface should be as simple as possible, but not simpler. Unnecessary information and
          functionality should be removed. In conventional office applications one rule of thumb says that
          20% of the functionality is used 80% of the time. To simplify, we could say that in mobile applications
          it is often advisable to cut out this 80% in order to reduce complexity and increase usability.

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