P. 136
Unit 9: Advanced Dimensional Design
Consolidated Boolean (TRUE-FALSE) value that indicates whether this account type
should be included in the Planning Business Modeler consolidation
Converted Boolean (TRUE-FALSE) value that indicates whether this account type
should be included in the Planning Business Modeler currency conversion
Inter-company Boolean (TRUE-FALSE) value that indicates whether this account should be
included in intercompany calculations.
User Modifications in the Account Dimension
You can update the Account Type Member ID property of a member of the Account dimension.
You can also add a new dimension member to the Account dimension and create member
hierarchies in the dimension. In addition, you can also add member sets, member views, and
member properties. The following table shows the ways you can modify user-defined objects in
the Account dimension.
Table 9.2: User-defined Objects
User-defined object Create Update Delete
Dimension members Yes Yes Yes
Dimension properties No Yes No
Member sets Yes Yes Yes
Member views Yes Yes Yes
Member properties Yes Yes No
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
3. In Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, an account type dimension is a dimension
whose attributes represent a journal of accounts for financial reporting reasons.
4. If you did not have such a standard mechanism, settling these nonstandard
aggregation issues would need Multidimensional Expression (MDX) scripts.
9.3 Interacting with a Cube
9.3.1 Implementing Actions
The purpose of an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) application is to supply users with
valuable information to propel business conclusions. Actions supply another means by which
users can accumulate information and take steps based on the data they find in cubes. You can
add activities to a cube that users will subsequent execute. An action is habitually started by a
user or client application and relates to an object in a cube. That object might be a dimension
member or a specific cell, which is then used as a parameter for the activity. Not all client
applications are able to execute actions, so make certain you realise the capability of the client
application before creating actions in your cube.