P. 222

Financial Accounting

                    Notes          10.  In historical cost financial statements, gains or losses  arising on disposal are  generally
                                       recognized in the profit and loss statement.
                                   11.  On disposal of a previously revalued item of fixed asset, the difference between net disposal
                                       proceeds and the net book value is normally charged or credited to the profit and loss
                                       statement except that, to the extent such a loss is related to an increase which was previously
                                       recorded as a credit to revaluation reserve and which has not been subsequently reversed
                                       or utilized, it is charged  directly to  the account.  The amount  standing in revaluation
                                       reserve following the retirement or disposal of an asset which relates to that asset may be
                                       transferred to general reserve.

                                     Notes Reasons for Depreciation
                                     1.   Wear and Tear of the Asset: The long term assets are becoming less efficient and
                                          poor quality in operations due to the continuous usage of the asset.
                                     2.   Exhaustion: Nothing will be left due to the continuous extraction of resources. The
                                          resources in the oil wells, mine fields will be completely exhausted due to incessant
                                          extraction. This has to be replaced by a new method of exploration. Investment in
                                          new exploration methods requires depreciation as a charge against the revenues of
                                          the wells/fields.

                                          For  example, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) indulges in the process of
                                          new oil exploration projects through research projects. The  new projects should
                                          then be identified and invested by huge initial investment outlay through the current
                                          revenues out of the existing projects on account of replacement due to depletion of
                                     3.   To face technological obsolescence: To replace the old machinery with new machinery,
                                          before the expiry of the economic life period of the asset in order to maintain the
                                          efficiency and economy of the asset. The typewriter was replaced by the electronic
                                          typewriter  during  the  yester periods  of  office  automation.  To replace  the old
                                          typewriter which is neither efficient nor economical, it should be replaced by the
                                          new electronic typewriter through the depreciation charge on the old one.
                                     4.   Accident: The value of the asset mainly depends upon the efficiency and economy;
                                          which gets affected due to accident.

                                   10.1.2 Basis for the Valuation of Fixed Assets

                                   As per AS-10, there are two bases to compute the gross book value of fixed assets. These are –
                                   historical cost and revaluation. Gross book value of a fixed asset is its historical cost or the other
                                   amount substituted for historical cost in the books of account of financial statements. When this
                                   amount is shown as net of accumulated depreciation, it is termed as net book value.
                                   Illustration 1: Aditya Co. Ltd. acquired machinery from Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd. on 30.9.2007
                                   at a quoted price of  400 lakhs on which a cash discount of 5% was offered on immediate payment.
                                   Value Added Tax (VAT) on the quoted price is 8%. The company incurred the following addition

                                                                                                          ( )
                                     Transit insurance                                                4,00,000
                                     Transportation charges                                          10,00,000

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