P. 33

Unit 2: Principles of Accounting

               in money. Those  transactions/activities of  the business  which cannot be measured in  Notes
               money are not recorded in accounting.
          4.   Accounting Period Assumption: As per the  going concern  concept, the  income of the
               business can be measured at the time of the liquidation of the business or at the time when
               business is sold. But practically it is very difficult to wait such a long period that is also not
               definite. Therefore, it is agreed among the accountants that the economic life of the business
               is divided into different segment for the purpose of preparing of the financial statements
               and the determination of profits. Generally this segment of time is one year either calendar
               year or a financial year. Sometime it may be less than twelve months i.e., quarterly, half
               yearly, etc. Reports made for less than twelve months are called interim reports and are
               less reliable than annual reports. At the end  of each  segment (period) profit and loss
               account and balance sheet are prepared.

          2.2.2 Basic Accounting Principles (Concepts)

          These basic accounting principles are commonly accepted/agreed principles by the accountants
          to record the business financial transactions. These are as follows:

          Money Measurement Concept
          This is the concept tunes the system of accounting as fruitful in recording the transactions and
          events of the enterprise only in terms of money. The money is used as well as expressed as a
          denominator  of the business events  and transactions.  The transactions which are  not in the
          expression of monetary terms cannot be registered in the book of accounts as transactions.

             1.  5 machines, 1 ton of raw material, 6 forklift trucks, 10 Lorries and so on. The early
                 mentioned items are not expressed in terms of money instead they are illustrated
                 only in numbers. The worth of the items is getting differed from one to the other. To
                 record the above enlisted  items in the book of accounts, all the assets should  be
                 converted into money.
             2.  5 lathe machines worth  1,00,000; 1 ton of raw materials worth amounted  15,00,000
                 and so on.

                The  transactions which are not in financial in character cannot be entered in the
                 book of accounts.
                Recording of transactions are only in terms of money in the process of accounting

          Business Entity Concept

          This concept treats the owner as totally a different entity from the business. To put in to nutshell
          “Owner is different and Business is different”. The capital which is brought inside the firm by
          the owner, at the commencement of the firm is known as capital. The amount of the capital,
          which was initially invested, should be returned to the owner considered as due to the owner;
          who was nothing but the contributory of the capital.

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