P. 111
Quantitative Techniques-II
Notes 6.10 Review Questions
1. What are the different types of research design?
2. What is exploratory research? What methods are adopted during exploratory research?
3. What is descriptive research and what methods are adopted?
4. What is experimental research and what are the methods of conducting experimental
5. What are the types of errors that affect research design?
6. What is causal research?
7. How to solve the research problem systematically?
8. What are the different types of experimental designs?
9. Which type of research would you use to generate new product ideas and why?
10. Which type of research study would you use to determine the characteristics of market?
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Research design 2. Exploratory
3. Broad, Small, Precise 4. Investigated
5. Respondent moderator 6. Focus
7. Participant’s 8. Unresponsive
9. Repeat 10. Questionnaire
11. Causal Research 12. Synopsis
13. Experimentation 14. Blocking
15. History 16. Bias
17. One 18. Ex-post Facto
6.11 Further Readings
Books Cooper and Schinder, Business Research Methods, TMH.
CR Kotari, Research Methodology, Vishwa Prakashan.
David Luck and Ronald Rubin, Marketing Research, PHI.
Naresh Amphora, Marketing Research, Pearson Education.
S.N. Murthy & U. Bhojanna, Business Research Methods, 2nd Edition, Excel Books.
William MC Trochim, Research Methods, Biztantra.
William Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Thomson.
Online links