P. 162

Unit 8: Negotiable Instruments

          8.3 Features of Negotiable Instruments                                                Notes

               Basis of      Promissory       Bill of       Cheques        Hundis
               Features        Notes         Exchange
            Meaning         This is an    This is an     It is an order by  It is an
                            instrument    instrument     the account    instrument
                            containing    containing     holder of the   used for the
                            unconditional   unconditional   bank directing   purpose of
                            order to pay a   order to pay a   his banker to   transfer of
                            certain sum of   certain sum of   pay on    money without
                            money to a    money to a     demand, the    its actual
                            certain person.   certain person.   specified   physical
                                                         amount, to or   movement
                                                         to the order of
                                                         the person
                                                         named therein
                                                         or to the bearer.
            Parties involved   Maker and the   Drawer and   Drawee Bank   Holder or
                            Payee         drawee         and Account    purchaser,
                                                         holder         drawer or
                                                                        banker, drawee
                                                                        and payee
            Certainty of    Certain       Certain        Certain        Certain
            Order           unconditional   unconditional   unconditional   unconditional
                            order         order          order          order
            Certainty to pay   The time of   The time of   The time of   The time of
                            payment must   payment must   payment must   payment must
                            be certain    be certain     be certain     be certain in
            Physical form   A promissory   A bill must be   A cheque must   There is no
                            note must be in   in writing, duly   be in writing   actual physical
                            writing, duly   signed by its   and duly    movement of
                            signed by its   drawer,      signed by the   hundis
                            maker         accepted by its   drawer
            Transferability   Easily      Easily         Easily         Easily
                            Transferable    Transferable   Transferable   Transferable

              Task Visit your nearby bank and try to see the negotiable instruments.
          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s)
          1.   The person to whom the amount mentioned in the promissory note is payable is known
               as ..............................

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