P. 122

Unit 5: Financial Management

          Self Assessment                                                                       Notes

          Fill in the blanks:
          1.   The ............................ is a projection (forecast) of the income and expenditure that the event
               will incur based on plans made and information gathered.
          2.   The preparation of a budget is an essential part of ............................
          3.   The event budget should be set so that if sponsorship and/or government funding is not
               ............................ the event does not have to be canceled.
          4.   It can be difficult to obtain money from spectators in circumstances where there is
               ............................ restriction of access.
          5.   ............................ events are a service provided and it is reasonable to suggest therefore that
               all basic costs of the event should be covered by participant fees.

          5.4 Typical Event Costs

          Events costs will depend on the scale and type of event. Not all the categories stated in the table
          5.2  will apply to every event.
                                  Table 5.2: Categories of Event Costs

            Travel and      Costs associated with officials needed to run the event may have to be
            Accommodation   borne  by the event organisers. Event participants are generally
                            responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs. In minor or
                            local events travel and accommodation costs are unlikely.
            Trophies,       The cost of  medals, trophies and other awards requires detailed
            Awards          knowledge about the number of competitors, the categories of divisions
                            of the competition and the format of the competition.
            Salaries        Applies only events are organised by professional staff.
            Postage and     Events usually require considerable communications with participants
            telephone       and the event management team.
            Stationery and   Special event stationery may be printed but otherwise there is always a
            Photocopying    lot of photocopying  and  usage  of organisation letterheads to write
            Medical Fees    Events require  persons with  at least  First  Aid  training to be in
                            attendance.  Larger events may  also warrant the  employment  of a
                            doctor and physiotherapists.
            Venue Hire      A critically important aspect of  the budget. Information about the
                            probable cost of the venue needs to be obtained as early as possible.
                            Beware that there some hidden costs such as security and supervision
                            costs, and heating and lighting costs.
            Insurance       Additional insurance can be taken out to cover risks of injury and/or
                            financial losses associated with events.
            Printing        Event  programmes, posters, fliers and other  promotional documents
                            may need to be printed - especially where quality and colour is required.
            Promotion       Expenditure on promotion may be considerable where a significant
                            proportion of the event revenue is likely  to be  earned  through
                            spectators.  Promotion covers items such as advertising,  give-aways,
                            costs associated with promotional events and sponsors' signage.
            Equipment Hire   Includes equipment directly used by participants in the event and also
                            any equipment used by the event management staff including sound
                            systems, computers, mobile phones, two way radios, etc.
            Transport       Includes costs of transporting equipment and hire of buses.

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