P. 121

Management Practices and Organisational Behaviour

                    Notes          4.  When less checking is required on the decision. Decentralisation is greater when no check
                                       at all is made; it is less when superiors have to be informed of the decision after it has been
                                       made; still less if superiors have to be consulted before the decision is made. When fewer
                                       are consulted and if they are at a lower level in the organisation's hierarchy, the degree of
                                       decentralisation is more.
                                   It is, therefore, clear that the application of the two concepts is greatly influenced by factors
                                   more than one.
                                   In modern times when we have a multiplicity of administrative and political  organisations,
                                   there is a need to use the centralised and decentralized patterns of authority for the maximum
                                   benefit of the people.

                                          Example: Functions such as accounting and purchasing may be centralised to save costs.
                                   Whilst tasks such as recruitment may be decentralised as units away from head office may have
                                   staffing needs specific only to them.
                                   That is a pre-requisite of a welfare or service state. There has been a growing public opinion in
                                   favour of decentralisation but at the same time some political forces and the bureaucracy do not
                                   favour  a  decentralised  system  for  obvious  reasons.  Pfeiffer  and  Sherwood  comment,
                                   "Decentralisation will always experience a certain amount of epidemic conflict between those
                                   whose purpose is to coordinate and those who resist coordination. What is needed is to learn a
                                   way  of life in which the coordinating process will be least  restrictive, in which people  can
                                   pursue their individual goals to the maximum and yet work in harmony toward group goals
                                   with others who look upon things differently."
                                   Certain organisations implement vertical decentralisation which means that they have handed
                                   the  power  to  make  certain  decisions,  down the  hierarchy  of  their  organisation.  Vertical
                                   decentralisation increases the input, people at the bottom of  the organisation  chart have in
                                   decision making.
                                   Horizontal decentralisation spreads responsibility across the organisation. A good example of
                                   this is the implementation of new technology across the whole business. This implementation
                                   will be the sole responsibility of technology specialists.

                                      Advantages of Centralised Structure for   Advantages of Decentralised Structure for
                                                Organisations                         Organisations
                                   Senior managers enjoy greater control over the   Senior managers have time to concentrate on the most
                                   organisation.                       important decisions (as the other decisions can be
                                                                       undertaken by other people down the organisation
                                   The use of standardised procedures can results in  Decision making is a form of empowerment.
                                   cost savings.                       Empowerment can increase motivation and therefore
                                                                       mean that staff output increases.
                                   Decisions can be made to benefit the   People lower down the chain have a greater
                                   organisations as a whole. Whereas a decision   understanding of the environment they work in and
                                   made by a department manager may benefit their  the people (customers and colleagues) that they
                                   department, but disadvantage other departments.  interact with.  This knowledge skills and experience
                                                                       may enable them to make more effective decisions
                                                                       than senior managers.
                                   The organisation can benefit from the decision   Empowerment will enable departments and their
                                   making of experienced senior managers.   employees to respond faster to changes and new
                                                                       challenges. Whereas it may take senior managers
                                                                       longer to appreciate that business needs have changed.
                                   In uncertain times the organisation will need   Empowerment makes it easier for people to accept and
                                   strong leadership and pull in the same direction.  make a success of more responsibility.
                                   It is believed that strong leadership is often best
                                   given from above.

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