P. 124

Unit 5: Coordination, Centralisation and Decentralisation

          10.  Is decentralization  of  decision  making  powers  in  a  company a  result of  individual  Notes
               incompetence? Support your argument with reasons.
          11.  If you are to handle an organsiation in which everything was being run at a centralized
               level, what will you like to manage it as- in a centralized or decentralized manner?
          12.  “The greater the number of decision  at lower  level, the greater is  decentralisation.”
          13.  Examine the utility of vertical decentralistion for a manufacturing firm.
          14.  Suggest a mix  of centralisation and decentralisation for  a firm  that  you  supposedly
               inherited from your father and want to grow further.
          15.  Every employee has a discretion of his own. If all are allowed to make decisions, who will
               decide who's discretion is better than all the others?

          16.  “Decentralistion will always experience a certain  amount of epidemic conflict between
               those whose purpose is to coordinate and those who resist coordination.” Why so?
          17.  “In tough times, should an organisation opt for centralisation or decentralisation.” Support
               our answer with valid reasons.

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   harmony                           2.  personal
          3.   direct                            4.  Personal
          5.   Authority                         6.  beginning

          7.   different                         8.  motivation
          9.   vertical                          10.  lower
          11.  location,  dispersal              12.  dispersal, delegation

          5.9 Further Readings

           Books      C.I. Barnard, The Functions of an Executive, HUP, Cambridge, 1938.

                      D. Hellriegel et al., Management, South Western, Cincinnati, 1999.
                      G.R. Terry, Principles of Management, R. D. Irwin, NY, 1960.
                      Gary Dessler, Management, Reston, Virginia, 1982.
                      J. B. Thompson, Organisations in Action, McGraw Hill, NY, 1967.

                      Lee Iacocca with William Novak, Lacocca,  An Autobiography, Phantom Books,
                      New York, 1984.

          Online links

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