P. 4

                              Management Practices and Organisational Behaviour

          Objectives: This course explores the group as well as individual behavior in a corporate setting and focuses on the development
          of knowledge and skills that all managers and leaders need.

        Sr. No.                                            Description

        1.     Management:   Nature,  purpose  and  scope of  management,  Skills  and  roles  of  a Manager,  Functions,
               Development of Management Theories ( Classical, Neo-Classical and Modern)
        2.     Planning: Types of plans, Levels of planning, planning process,  Management by objectives, Strategic
               Management, premising and forecasting; Decision-Making process, barriers, styles of decision making
        3.     Organizing: Organizational design and structure, Coordination, centralization and de-centralization,
               Delegation, Authority & power – concept & distinction, Line and staff organizations.
        4.     Controlling:  Concept,  planning-control  relationship,  process  of  control,  Types  of  Control,  Control
               Techniques, Staffing: Human Resource Management and Selection
        5.     Foundations of Organisational Behaviour: The nature and determinants of organisational behaviour,
               need for knowledge of OB, contributing disciplines to the field, OB Model
        6.     Individual  differences,  Learning,  Values,  attitudes,  Personality  (MBTI,  Big  Five  Model),  Emotions,
               Affective events theory, Emotional Intelligence, Perception, Attribution theory
        7.     Work Motivation: Early Theories (Mc. Gregory’s Theory X & Y , Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy
               Theory  Herzberg’s  Two  Factor  Theory)  &  Contemporary  Theories  (Mc.  Clelland’s  3  Needs  Theory  ,
               Alderfer’s ERG  Theory  , Adam’s  Equity Theory  &  Vroom’s  Expectancy  Theory,  Goal Setting  Theory),
               Application of Motivation Theories & workers participation management.
        8.     Group Behaviour: Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision Making,
               Understanding Teamwork: Types of Teams, Creating Effective teams,
               Communication: significance, types, barriers, overcoming barriers.
        9.     Leadership:  Basic Approaches (Trait Theories, Behavioural Theories & Contingency Theories) &

               Contemporary Issues in Leadership.
               Conflict: levels of conflict, resolving conflicts; power and politics: sources of power, use of power
       10.     Organisation culture and Organisational Change: Effects of culture, changing Organisational culture
               forces of change, Resistance to change, the change process
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