P. 13

Accounting for Managers

                                   1.4.6 Duality or Double Entry Accounting Concept
                                   It is the only concept which portrays the two sides of a single transaction. The law of entire
                                   business revolves around only on mutual agreement sharing policy among the players. How
                                   mutual agreement is taking place?
                                   The entire principle of business is mainly conducted on mutual agreement among the parties
                                   from one occasion to another. The payment of wages is only made by the firm out of the services
                                   of labourers. What kind of mutual agreement in sharing the benefits is taking place? The services
                                   of the labourers are availed by the firm through the payment of wages. Likewise, the labourers
                                   are regularly getting wages for their services in the firm.

                                                         Payment of Wages = Labourers’ service
                                   In the angle of accounting aspects of  a firm,  the labourer  services are  availed through the
                                   payment of wages nothing but the mutual sharing of benefits. This is denominated into two
                                   different facets of accounting,  viz. Debit and Credit. Every debit transaction is appropriately
                                   equated with the transaction of credit.
                                   All the above samples of transactions are being carried out by the firm through the raising of
                                   financial resources. The resources raised are finally deployed in terms of assets. It means that the
                                   total funds raised by the firm are equated to the total investments.
                                   From the Table 1.1, it is clearly evidenced that the entire raised financial resources are applied in
                                   the form of asset applications. It means that the total liabilities are equivalent to the total assets
                                   of the firm.

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