P. 98

Research Methodology

                    Notes          The respondents' overall attitude is measured by summing up his (her) numerical rating on the
                                   statement making up the scale. Since some statements are favourable and others unfavourable,
                                   it is the one important task to be done before summing up the ratings. In other words, "strongly
                                   agree" category attached to favourable statement and "strongly disagree" category attached to
                                   unfavourable. The statement must always be assigned the same number, such as +2, or –2. The
                                   success of the Likert Scale depends on "How well the statements are generated?" The higher the
                                   respondent's score, the more favourable is the attitude. For example, if there are two shopping
                                   malls, ABC and XYZ and if the scores using the Likert Scale are 30 and 60 respectively, we can
                                   conclude that the customers' attitude towards XYZ is more favourable than ABC.

                                     Caution  The Likert Scale must contain an equal number of favourable and unfavourable

                                   Semantic Differential Scale

                                   This is very similar to the Likert Scale. It also consists of a number of items to be rated by the
                                   respondents. The essential difference between Likert and Semantic Differential Scale is as follows:
                                   It uses "Bipolar" adjectives and phrases. There are no statements in the Semantic Differential
                                   Each pair of adjective is separated by a seven point scale.

                                     Notes  Some individuals have favourable descriptions on the right side, while some have
                                     on the left side. The reason for the reversal is to have a combination of both favourable
                                     and unfavourable statements.

                                   Semantic Differential Scale Items

                                   Please rate the five real estate developers mentioned below on the given scales for each of the
                                   five aspects. Developers are
                                     S. No.   Scale items    –3   –2   –1    0   +1   +2   +3   -
                                       1.   Not reliable      _    _    _    _    _    _    _   Reliable
                                       2.   Expensive         _    _    _    _    _    _    _   Not expensive
                                       3.   Trustworthy       _    _    _    _    _    _    _   Not trustworthy
                                       4.   Untimely delivery   _   _   _    _    _    _    _   Timely delivery
                                       5.   Strong Brand Image   _   _   _   _    _    _    _   Poor brand image

                                   The respondents were asked to tick one of the seven categories which describes their views on
                                   attitude. Computation is being done exactly the same way as in the Likert Scale. Suppose, we are
                                   trying to evaluate the packaging of a particular product. The seven point scale will be as follows:

                                   "I feel …………..
                                   1.  Delighted
                                   2.  Pleased
                                   3.  Mostly satisfied

          92                                LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103