Page 6 - DMGT408DMGT203_Marketing Management
P. 6

                                 Marketing Management/Essentials of Marketing

          Objectives: Be conversant with the challenges raised by the complexity of the marketing environment for managing products
          and services, communications, channel relationships and other marketing mix factors. Display an awareness of conceptual
          understanding and best practices in marketing in managing marketing operations. Demonstrate their ability to use relevant
          decision models in recommending appropriate strategies related to marketing mix.
                                           DMGT408 MARKETING MANAGEMENT

            Sr. No.                                         Description
            1.      Marketing Scope and Concepts, marketing: creating and capturing customer value, partnering to build customer
            2.      Understanding the market place and consumers: analyzing the marketing environment, managing marketing
                    information to gain customer insight
            3.      Consumer markets and consumer buyer behavior, business markets and business buyer behavior
            4.      Designing a customer driven strategy and mix: creating value for target customer, products, services and brands:
                    building customer value, new product development and product life cycle strategies
            5.      Pricing: understanding and capturing customer value, Pricing strategies
            6.      Managing Marketing Channels, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Retailing and Wholesaling
            7.      Integrated Marketing Communication, Sales Promotions, Advertising and Public Relations, Sales Management,
                    Personal Selling, Direct and online Marketing
            8.      Creating competitive advantage, The global marketplace
            9.      Sustainable marketing: Social Responsibility and Ethics

                                           DCOM405 MARKETING MANAGEMENT
             Sr. No.                                         Description
               1.     Marketing Concepts, Marketing Mix, Marketing Environment
               2.     Strategic Planning Process, Market segmentation and Targeting and positioning
               3.     Marketing Research, Marketing Information system
               4.     Consumer Buying Behaviour, Consumer buying decision process
               5.     Managing product, Product Differentiation and Positioning, New Product Development, Product Life cycle,
                      Managing Brands and Brand equity
               6.     Meaning and Significance of price, Factors influencing pricing, General Pricing Approaches, Pricing Strategies
               7.     Physical Distribution and Marketing Logistics, Marketing Channels, Creating and Managing Dealer Network,
                      Retailing and Wholesaling.
               8.     Integrated Marketing Communication, Sales Promotions, Advertising and Public Relations, Sales
                      Management, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing
               9.     Marketing Evaluation and Control, Marketing of services
              10.     Recent concepts in Marketing, Global Marketing Strategies for Indian Firms.
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