P. 42

Strategic Management

                    Notes          4.  They project a sense of worth and intent that can be identified and assimilated by company
                                   5.  Finally, they affirm the company’s commitment to responsible action, in order to preserve
                                       and protect the essential claims of insiders for sustained survival, growth and profitability
                                       of the firm.
                                   According to Fred R. David, a mission statement is more than a statement of purpose. It is

                                   1.  A declaration of attitude and outlook
                                   2.  A declaration of customer orientation
                                   3.  A declaration of social policy and responsibility

                                   3.3 Characteristics of a Mission Statement

                                   A good mission statement should be short, clear and easy to understand. It should therefore
                                   possess the following characteristics:
                                   1.  Not lengthy: A mission statement should be brief.
                                   2.  Clearly articulated: It should be easy to understand so that the values, purposes, and goals
                                       of the organisation are clear to everybody in the organisation and will be a guide to them.
                                   3.  Broad, but not too general: A mission statement should achieve a fine balance between
                                       specificity and generality.
                                   4.  Inspiring: A mission statement should motivate readers to action. Employees should find
                                       it worthwhile working for such an organisation.

                                   5.  It should arouse positive feelings and emotions of both employees and outsiders about
                                       the organisation.
                                   6.  Reflect the firm’s worth: A mission statement  should generate the impression that the
                                       firm is successful, has direction and is worthy of support and investment.
                                   7.  Relevant: A mission statement should be appropriate to the organisation in terms of its
                                       history, culture and shared values.
                                   8.  Current: A mission statement may become obsolete after some time. As Peter Drucker
                                       points out, “Very few mission statements have anything like a life expectancy of thirty, let
                                       alone,  fifty years. To be  good enough  for ten  years is  probably all  one can  normally
                                       expect”. Changes in  environmental factors and organisational factors may necessitate
                                       modification of the mission statement.
                                   9.  Unique:  An organisation’s mission  statement  should  establish  the  individuality and
                                       uniqueness of the company.
                                   10.  Enduring:  A  mission statement  should  continually  guide  and  inspire  the pursuit of
                                       organisational goals. It may not be fully achieved, but it should be challenging for managers
                                       and employees of the organisation.
                                   11.  Dynamic: A  mission statement should be dynamic in  orientation allowing judgments
                                       about the most promising growth directions and the less promising ones.
                                   12.  Basis for guidance: Mission statement should provide useful criteria for selecting a basis
                                       for generating and screening strategic options.

                                   13.  Customer orientation: A good mission statement identifies the utility of a firm’s products
                                       or services to its customers, and attracts customers to the firm.

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