P. 8

Strategic Management

                    Notes          activities such as planning, organising, leading or controlling. Rather, it integrates them into a
                                   broader context taking into account the external environment and internal capabilities and the
                                   organisation’s  overall purpose  and direction.  Thus, strategic  management involves those
                                   management processes in organisations through which future impact of change is determined
                                   and current decisions are taken to reach a desired future. In short, strategic management is about
                                   envisioning the future and realizing it.

                                   1.1 Definition of Strategic Management

                                   We have so far discussed the  concepts of strategic thinking,  strategic decision-making and
                                   strategic approach which, it is hoped, will serve as an a background understand the nature of
                                   strategic management.  However,  to  get  an  understanding  of  what goes  on  in  strategic
                                   management, it is useful to begin with definitions of strategic management. Later in the unit, we
                                   introduce the elements and the process of strategic management and the importance, benefits
                                   and limitations of strategic management.
                                   As already mentioned, the concepts in strategic management have been developed by a number
                                   of authors like  Alfred  Chandler,  Kenneth  Andrews,  Igor Ansoff,  William  Glueck,  Henry
                                   Mintzberg, Michael E. Porter, Peter Drucker and a host of others. There are therefore several
                                   definitions of strategic management. Some of the important definitions are:
                                   1.  “Strategic management is concerned with the determination of the basic long-term goals and the
                                       objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary
                                       for carrying out these goals”.
                                                                                            – Alfred Chandler, 1962

                                   2.  “Strategic management is a stream of decisions and actions which lead to the development of an
                                       effective strategy or strategies to help achieve corporate objectives”.
                                                                                           – Glueck and Jauch, 1984

                                   3.  “Strategic management is a process of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional
                                       decisions that enable an organisation to achieve its objective”.
                                                                                               – Fed R David, 1997

                                   4.  “Strategic management is  the set  of  decisions  and actions  resulting in  the  formulation and
                                       implementation of plans designed to achieve a company’s objectives.”
                                                                                        – Pearce and Robinson, 1988

                                   5.  “Strategic management includes understanding the strategic position of an organisation, making
                                       strategic choices for the future and turning strategy into action.”
                                                                                         – Johnson and Sholes, 2002

                                   6.  “Strategic management consists of the analysis, decisions, and actions an organisation undertakes in
                                       order to create and sustain competitive advantages.”
                                                                                     – Dess, Lumpkin & Taylor, 2005

                                   We observe from the above definitions that different authors have defined strategic management
                                   in different ways. Note that the definition of Chandler that we have quoted above is from the
                                   early 1960s, the period when strategic management was being recognized as a separate discipline.
                                   This definition consists of three basic elements:
                                   l.  Determination  of long-term goals

                                   2.  Adoption of courses of action
                                   3.  Allocation of resources to achieve those goals

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